repair issues in your home, such as a blocked drain system, can be harmful to your
health. The musty smell of stagnant water, along with mosquito infestation on
pooled, dirty water, can create an unhealthy environment for you and your
family, especially in the summer heat in Edmonton, where breeding season for
these bugs is at its peak.
Did you know
that disposing leftover
cooking grease into your sink drain largely contributes to drain clogging? The fats in the grease or oil from your
kitchen combine with chemicals in the sewers to form nasty conglomerations of
matter that build up and block pipes.
So rather
than flush cooking oil and grease down the drain, wipe out the oil with a paper
towel and dispose in the bin. If it’s a large amount of oil, pour it in a
sealable container, and throw in the garbage.
You might
also consider reusing deep-fry oil, if still clear, and not yet dark or dirty, with
a fishy smell. Simply refrigerate after sealing. Either way, proper grease
disposal is a sure way to avoid constant drain cleaning.