Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bathroom Plumbing Tips: Signs You Need to Call a Professional Plumber

The importance of having a fully functional plumbing system in your bathroom cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, all that flushing, filling, and showering can place a heavy strain on your bathroom pipes. This is especially true if you have a large family. Eventually, you may begin to encounter problems. Pipes will exhibit several signs before they actually fail. If you notice any of these signs, you may want to have a plumbing expert come and take a look at your bathroom.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Determining the Type of Water Softener Your Plumber Should Install

Have you ever been told that your home has "hard water"? If so, you're not alone, as a large number of homes throughout Canada use hard water. Hard water is water that has excess of dissolved minerals, including calcium and magnesium carbonate, among others. While hard water does not harm your health, it will eventually wreak havoc on your home's piping and plumbing fixtures due to mineral buildup. At the same time, plumbing fixtures and appliances run less efficiently when they use hard water.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thermostats and Smartphone Apps Can Save Energy

It’s little wonder in areas such as Edmonton, Alberta that highly qualified plumbers are in such high demand. Temperatures in the height of summer struggle up to 15/18 C on a good day, and plummet to minus double figures in the winter. Ensuring your heating system is not only working, but working efficiently takes up much of your plumber’s daily activity.

Is It Time To Upgrade Your HVAC System?

HVAC simply stands for 'Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning' which can otherwise be quite a lot to say. In order to get the best from your system, whether you are a private homeowner or business, you will need to stay on top of maintenance and know when it is time to replace your old HVAC.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Finding a Good and Reliable Plumber in Stony Plain

Starting Out 

If you've just moved to Stony Plain and need a reliable plumber, or if you already live here and you're searching for a new one, how do you know where to start? Many people rely on word-of-mouth, but what if you're new to the area? It's important to find a good plumber before something bad happens, not after. Most plumbing websites are slick and professional but the best thing to do is call, not email. You'll be able to make a much better judgment through the personal act of speaking to someone directly.

Plumbing Can Add Value to Your Home

Most homeowners will have thought about some form of renovation or upgrade to their home, as a means of increasing the value. One of the items, however, that is often overlooked when assessing how to increase house values, is plumbing. It is typical that this is not one of the first things that spring to mind, as plumbing is not seen, and we only think about it when it goes wrong.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Calling a Plumber: The Top Kitchen Plumbing Issues

Read on to discover the common plumbing issues businesses and homeowners face in the kitchen that require the expert help of an Edmonton plumber.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Knowing When You Need To Call In The Experts

One of the worst emergencies to have in your home is a plumbing one. If you're living in Edmonton, then you are very lucky as there are some excellent plumbing firms in the area. Obviously preventive maintenance is better than emergency repair, but sometimes things happen and there is nothing that you can do.

The insurance industry has come up with some suggestions in a bid to help homeowners understand and recognise the start of what could be a 'red flag' situation. Here are some things to look out for that could escalate into something big.

If you suddenly see that you are spending more money on your water bill, and there is no explanation. Call a professional plumber and find out what the reason is. If you are paying for water, and not using it, then it has to be going somewhere, and there could be a leak.

Any strange gurgling noises in your water system could mean that pipes have become loose and about to burst. A plumber has special tools to find out where this is happening in your home, and can solve it quickly and efficiently.

If water comes out of the taps and is not clear, this signifies that something abnormal is occurring in the system. It could be the beginning of corrosion and if left unchecked you will end up with major repair work.

If any of the above occurs, then don't delay; get it checked and maintain your peace of mind. A plumber will make sure that an incident doesn't turn into a tragedy.