Monday, January 16, 2017

Why You Should Have a Plumber Install Regular Shower head Replacements

A majority of homeowners don’t even remember the last time they had a new shower head installed–and that is alarming. For most people, as long as the water is flowing from the shower, there is no need to fret over it, but you may be using a fixture that has been in your home since its construction. The water in the system undergoes treatment with different chemicals to make it safe, and that means all those residues stick to the pipes and other surfaces. After prolonged use, these shower heads start experiencing problems, thus the need to replace them accordingly, which is a job a plumber can carry out. Edmonton homeowners should know the reasons for replacing shower heads and how often to do it.

Getting Rid of Bacteria

Showers are connected to the rest of the plumbing, so any microorganisms that enter the system may find their way to the shower head. Some installations come with filters to prevent bacteria and dirt from ending up in the water you use, but a shower that has gone too long without a replacement will build up bacteria, which poses certain health risks. Plumbers can provide replacements of the head and filter as well. Read more on this article:

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