Monday, July 3, 2017

Energy Efficient Furnaces and Routine Furnace Service: Saving Money One Kilowatt Hour at a Time

Renewable energy solutions have come to the forefront of many industries and this very same observation holds true in regards to heating solutions. In fact, this is even more relevant when we consider that Edmonton is considered to be one of the coldest cities within Canada. As a responsible homeowner, you must be familiar with the level of energy efficiency of your heating apparatus and the need for routine furnace service.


Otherwise known by the acronym AFUE, this reading is essentially a measure of how efficient a furnace utilises the fuel that it is supplied with. The most commonly used fuel types are natural gas, propane and oil. Although electrical consumption is not taken into account, it only stands to reason that units which are able to process fuel more efficiently will reduce heating costs and the overall carbon footprint of a home. This score is rated on a scale from 0 to 100 and the most modern units are generally provided with values above 95. These are commonly known as high-efficiency systems (a rating that is above 90). Read more from this article:

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